Saturday, 23 August 2014

saturday scribbles

so last week's saturday scribbles showed the beginnings of a commission i was working on, and this saturday i'm here to show you the finished designs! i was commissioned again by francesca from thefrancescadiaries to create a new blog header, button and youtube header for her, and although it's very different to my usual work, it was satisfying to come away from that for a little while and work on something a little bit more design based for a change, because, as we all know, i am a terrible designer. 

i had lots of fun drawing the different makeup bits and pieces, and am particularly happy with the patterns that i made using them – they just seemed to slot together so well! overall i'm pretty happy with the work i produced for her, but if i had to choose a favourite i think it'd be the youtube banner because i think the colour scheme works well and the composition ended up working pretty well in the end despite the awkward youtube header dimensions! 

if you'd like to see the designs up and running, you can visit francesca's blog and her youtube


  1. Awesome designs :) Which editing program do you use?

    1. thanks! i used photoshop to edit them :)

  2. These are so lovely, you're very talented!

  3. It looks amazing! I really love the designs, you are super talented!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  4. I love this sort of art style, and these designs are so pretty! You really do have a talent x

  5. love your designs, you are so so talented! just started following your blog and love it sweet :)
    Lydia x

  6. Lovely design! looks awesome.
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!
