Friday 18 September 2015

Duck Egg Green #colour_collective

This week's #colour_collective was Duck Egg Green, and as lovely as the colour is, it just didn't muster up any vivid scenes in my mind when I sat and thought about what my piece for the colour was going to be! Because of that, I defaulted back to dino mode and opted for something simple and to the point that wasn't going to take too long to perfect as I only had a day to finalise it before posting. My strategy worked, and I ended up with a simple image with a muted colour palette that I think I'm pretty happy with overall.

I quite like the simple presentation of this dinosaur and think it could be nice to illustrate a few more dinos in a similar fashion, mainly because I want to complete a comprehensive set of dino illustrations for my portfolio. Perhaps I'll have a crack at it over the next week!


  1. Oh, I love your illustrations! Wow, they are just so cute and so fresh, seriously incredible! I wish I could draw as well as you <3

    xx Bash | Hey Bash | bloglovin'

  2. How ADORABLE are your drawings? They are so great and your use of colour is fantastic.
    Lovely stuff!!

    Jodie |
