Monday, 21 July 2014

now playing: charlie simpson

while i was working at wilkos, a song used to come on often that i was pretty sure was charlie simpson, but i never went to any effort to find out if my suspicions were correct. then, a couple of weeks back, i got the same song stuck in my head for some strange reason and decided to set about finding out whether or not it was the ex busted member whose voice i swore i'd recognised, and much to my delight, my suspicions had been correct, and after a couple of listens to the song in question (down down down), i decided to give his entire first solo album, young pilgrim, a go.

i'm kind of glad i waited for the sunshine and warm weather to arrive before i set about listening to his music because it seems to work so wonderfully as a chill out album, perfect for when you're laid around soaking up the sun or out taking a lovely summertime stroll. the album has a nice mix of songs, with more upbeat numbers such as 'parachute' and more acoustic numbers such as 'please let me go', meaning there's a little bit of something for whatever mood you might find yourself in on the day. of the whole album i think 'cemetery' may be my favourite song, but i've really been enjoying listening to it on repeat over the last couple of weeks. no regrets.

i'm not entirely sure why i never thought to give charlie's stuff a listen earlier on, but better late than never, ey? i never did get into fightstar but after having a listen to this i'm definitely at least curious to go and have a listen because there could be more gems to add to my itunes there. after doing my research i've discovered that charlie's set to release his second solo album this year and i'm now extremely excited for its release so i can get stuck into enjoying more of his solo stuff!


  1. Oooo, I've never listened to any of this solo stuff so I'm going to give it ago now! (starting with your fave, cemetery). I've put off listening to it in the past as I know it's kind of more acoustic-y (i think??) and I'm a massive Fightstar fan, which is much more screamo/rock. (nothing beats Busted though...) hehe

    1. yeah i guess you could call it more acoustic, well, compared to fightstar haha! hope you enjoy :)

  2. I downloaded some of his solo stuff a few years ago and love it! He's such a talented man and I hope his second album is as great as his first!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

    1. he really is! it hopefully shouldn't disappoint :) can't wait to find out its release date!

  3. Going to give it a listen - and I just discovered your blog. ADORE it, so cute! Followed you on Bloglovin' dear x

    1. oh enjoy! and thank you :) just popped you a follow back too!
