Monday 9 March 2015

sunday synopsis & saturday scribbles

i'm aware that the clock's just ticked over into the early hours of monday, but better late than never, right? especially seeing as i haven't posted on a sunday now for the last two weeks due to either being hungover or just sheer forgetfulness (putting together a picture book occupies a lot of your brain space, seemingly!) it also occupies a lot of your time, because now i've sat down to try and recap on the last couple of weeks, i really don't have much to fill you in on because i pretty much spend every day working on it in some shape or form. i'm starting to freak out a bit about my self promotion work because it's due in when my final project is, but it's still so premature and i'm still so lost with it. i'm hoping i can get my picture book drafted up and nearing perfection before i finish uni in a couple of weeks for easter so i can spend a good three weeks focussing mostly on my self promotion work, but i have a horrible feeling that it won't happen and easter will be yet another three weeks of 'holiday' spent frantically working to meet a deadline because, so far, my picture book just hasn't gone how i've planned it. it's not necessarily a bad thing that it's gone that way because (hopefully) my story and work is growing and improving, but it does mean that i can see a lot of last minute freaking out. ah, the creative process. 

the last week has been one of those weeks where i feel as though i've wasted precious time because i need to rework a lot of my completed spreads, but unfortunately drafting and redrafting is all part of the process and is something i just need to get on with. thankfully i put together a planner where i had time to work to 3 spreads a week to make my deadline, but luckily i've been completing anywhere between 3 and 6 every week which means that i've had the time to be able to spend twice as much time on two spreads if necessary. i feel as though with some initial draft spreads i lost my direction a little, but hopefully this week and next i can pull it back on track and end up with something i'm happy with. hopefully.


  1. Oh, that's the Alice In Wonderland statue in Central Park, right?
